Ministries >

Kidz Safe Haven

Dr. Ranson: Darnell Vernon Ranson

Mission Statement

Kidz Safe Have is a Community Outreach Program. Our Mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those who need us the most, to realize their full potential through caring and loving acts of kindness.

Our Core Beliefs are:

  • provide a safe place to learn and grow
  • Ongoing relationships with caring adult professionals
  • Life-enhancing programs and character development experiences
  • Capacities for leadership and teamwork
  • Positive values and purposeful lifestyles
  • Opportunity for participants to become responsible members of their families and good citizens of their community


If you like to donate to Kidz Safe Haven send it to (Bethlehem Baptist Church) 6420 Belair Road, Baltimore Md. 21206 Attn: Director of KSH.